Sunday, 23 November 2014

Some street life pictures

Some pictures from the area I stay in, naklua, which is slightly north to central Pattaya, 10 minutes or so by road.
Popular with Germans, resulting in there being some good quality restaurants in the area, as well as those wanting to be near to busy central Pattaya whilst being able to live and sleep a little away from it.

Street food is popular in the entire city, mobile carts that set up for a few hours in regular spots.

Street view

Plenty of gold shops, shuttered down with red livery and massage shops

Some cheap accommodation, this place has rooms from 400 baht a night ( about US$ 14)
Rooms a little tired looking but with air-con and hot water, OK just for sleeping in.

Open air bar getting ready for trade later

Fancy some fruit, another mobile sales cart

Main naklua road picture, note the spaghetti junction electric cables, they feature heavily all over Pattaya.

The dark blue vehicle is a " bahtbus ", communal taxi, plies the main routes around Pattaya, wave it down, jump on, press a buzzer on the roof when you want to get off, just 10 baht ( 33 US cents), 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, great when you get used to the routes.

Another fruit stall, set up all over town

Or maybe you need a new towel, stop by and buy one

Hungry and don`t want to eat from the street, no problem, plenty of restaurants to choose from, this one is quite popular

Maybe just a quick snack of " Frie Chicken ", they`ve never bothered correcting the sign in years

More to follow, enjoy !

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